Monday, December 3, 2012

Welcome and my first scammer

hello all you jammers out there! this blog is ALL about scammers! i have not got a lot of scammers right now, but i hope you like it any way!, so, one scammer i got well.. he looks like he just started aj but he did scam. the scam was he said, (scammer) go to my den if you want the bow and arrow code!, (i went to he's den but i did not fall for the scam) (scammer) Ok, trade me good thing's and i'll send you the code in jam a gram, (he didn't have any thing on trade but the table the rug you get when you start aj And! he can't send a code in jam a gram, 1st of all, you can't spell a code in jam a gram, 2nd of all he's not a member!) (scammer) ok the two people that traded me get the code!,  right after he said that he ran away! i waited there to see if he just had some thing wrong with he's PC or some thing,  he didn't come back on, any way, he's name is ujnyhszxa so if you see him scamming please report him!